Kodak have recently announced that they will introduce a 4x5 and 8x10 sheet film size of their popular Ektar 100 emulsion.
Now large-format photographers will be able to enjoy the impact and flexibility that EKTAR 100 brings. With ultra-vivid color and ultra-fine grain, it's the ideal choice for creating high magnification enlargements for commercial display.
It will be available in April.
isn't film dead?
Good to see you're back Mark. The sheet film introdcution is indeed good news. Nice being able to standardize with one color film for landscape with 35mm, 120 & 4x5. I reported this at the Hybrid Photo Forum as well after hearing about it from Inside Analog Photo Radio podcast.
Hi Dave
I'm having a very busy time at the moment, the school I work at is busy, I'm doing more design work than photo work at the moment.
this announcement is pretty big news, I almost want to go out and buy a 8x10 Gandolfi just to see the lack of grain and tone :-)
I will try to update this site soon, I have some large projects ahead though...
Hello Mark,
all film introductions are good news indeed, much more so for sheet film... A little fresh air for our souls, although I believe that I will not be able to afford it, or that it will ever appear around here.
Maybe a good excuse for explaining to your wife that you NEED a Gandolfi?
Thanks for your comments, and sorry for me to take so long to answer, but the last couple of months have been a little complicated for me, as I got a "frozen shoulder" (adhesive capsulitis) on my right shoulder. That means that I have been living with pain and restricted movements. My nights have become a nightmare, and it is hard to accept that such a situation usually takes at least two years to get healed...
So, I guess that you can imagine that I don't feel that much like taking care of my blog...
I will try harder!
Thanks once again and have a nice time.
Kind regards,
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